Waste Segregation Machinery is designed considering emergence of big problem in Solid Waste management in most of the cities and towns in India. Most of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) received at landfill area or waste disposal area is mixture of decomposable material along with plastic, metal, glass, sand and other non-biodegradable material. To segregate decomposable material Waste Segregation Machinery is designed.
MSW is first received in pre-processing area of the plant. In this area, large size objects such as tires, cans, glass articles, metals cloths etc. are handpicked manually. This semi segregated MSW is then shifted to composting pad for decomposition by making windrows. Composting culture is sprayed on this waste and each windrow is turned frequently to maintain aerobic conditions for composting with maximum speed. The concrete platform is provided with peripheral drain to collect the leach ate and rain water overflow.
After curing, compost MSW is shifted to refinement section and passed through Waste Segregation Machinery segregation to obtain the fine compost of particle size below 4 – 5 mm. Rejected particle size above 4-5 mm and material like Stone, Glass, Sand, Gravels, Metal and other inert material is separated in Waste Segregation Machinery segregator.
Bulky waste can be through bulky waste crushers, sorting, sorted, and further resource pack, such as furniture and electric appliance.
Construction Waste
Concrete block, brick, stone – through sorting and crushing. Can be made into cement filling material.
Through the sorting of scrap metal, smelting, recycling.
Knitted Fabric
Weaving through sorting, crushing, pressing, lahua. Can be made into insulating material.
Through sorting, crushing biomass, temperature and pressure of explosion, fermentation technology. Can be made into fertilizers and fuel.
Waste plastics by sorting, cleaning, granulation. Can be made into plastic particles.